Why ProtÉgÉ to Pro?


During the first Session, clients will get accustomed to a curated Client Questionnaire geared at gathering critical information that will guide the client's individualized roadmap and prompts potential/current business owners to think critically about their "why", goals, and overall readiness. This Questionnaire serves to better understand you, your product/service, timing, and financial positioning.

Foundational Basics

A solid foundation is necessary in order to grow and Session #2 does just that. In this Session, Brittany will coach the client through formation options with focus on legal and financial aspects to consider and will help clients understand how to approach this process with current and future brands in mind. This session will conclude with the introduction of a Net Worth assessment to help clients better understand their own net worth which serves as the ability to contribute to the financing of their start-up. 


This session is all about the numbers. We begin with you - the owner's financials - through a Net Worth Assessment exercise and will guide a discussion surrounding the businesses existing/projected sales and expenses based on the products and services planned. Brittany will guide client on how to develop and assess their financial goals for the business and provide guidance on financing. 

COmpetitive landscape

In any business, we are seldom the only one. Therefore, this is the stage where we should gather an intimate understanding of the competitive landscape that we are seeking to enter. Brittany will explore the  following topics/questions and more to help clients evaluate the competitive environment in order to build a brand/product that can exist and win.

  1. SWOT Analysis

  2. Barriers to Entry

  3. Your Target Market

  4. Common Marketing Vehicles

  5. Your Competitive Advantage


This is the step where we have accomplished enough together to meaningfully construct your roadmap. The most critical part of the roadmap is goal setting and at Protégé to Pro we believe in goals that have timelines. As such, will help you develop a milestones that will guide your start-up timeline. Once goals are set, we will explore an effective marketing strategy to help generate awareness and convert customers. 

  1. Goal Setting

  2. Financial Projections

  3. Milestones & Timelines

  4. Marketing Strategy

  5. Trademarking

tHE business plan

Creating a business plan is critical to not only soliciting financing and business partnerships but your business's identity as a whole. Said differently, a business plan is a playbook that will guide the company towards its "North Star" or its "why". By this stage, you will be more than prepared to take this on. A business plan can appear daunting but thankfully, you do not have to go through it alone.